Scenes From My Surrogacies: A Memoir in the Making

If my intended parents have been through a lot of pregnancy losses, I tend to think about those losses – picturing them in my mind. Not picturing them in graphic detail though, but rather in terms of how they must have felt while enduring failure after failure. I’m always cautiously optimistic that we will succeed in having their baby – and this is my job, to be cautiously optimistic. Not overly sunny and confident, because I know better. I know there’s too much at stake to approach the surrogacy process with anything more than guarded hope. It feels irresponsible to me to express anything more confident than that because there is always the very real chance that it won’t work. It’s impossible to say with each couple what our chances are of having a baby – there are seemingly too many variables that could stand between us and them finally bringing home a baby.